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Hello...perspective IWAGMU Patrons - It’s really me! Dr. Stacii Jae Johnson, relationship coach on OWN's hit show "Put A Ring On It." I'm so excited to be your love coach, get up close and personal with you as a member of my VIP inner circle on Patreon.
I will be able to continue delivering information to you through my videos, interviews, workshops & podcast and so much more.
Why? Because these days with all of the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and... all the rest algorithms, I am learning that a LOT of the content I do produce, you are not even getting.
Patreon is my way to insure that you do get it ALL and more! 🙂
Praesent commodo cursus magna vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.
Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.
Choose Your Inner Circle Option Below and I'll See You in The Patreon!
As A ULTIMATE+ VIP PATRON your love dating and relationship expert and coach, you will get the following:
1:1 / 60 Minute Session with Dr. Stacii Jae - Your love coach, Dr. Stacii Jae will coach you monthly via zoom. This opportunity is included in the ULTIMATE+ VIP membership. Each session allows you to dive deeper in with Dr. Stacii on a consistent basis, rather than not. CONSISTENCY is key to see the real benefits of any type of personal development. Stacii is a master love coach and one of the best in the business. You can count on her to give you dependable answers to your questions and to help you improve your dating, love and romantic relationships. +
(VALUE: $500 / 60 MIN 1:1 SESSION)
1- 1:1 / 15 Minute Quickie with Dr. Stacii Jae - Your love coach, Dr. Stacii Jae will offer her Ultimate+ VIP ONLY inner circe ladies, one additional opportunity monthly to speak to her for a 15 minute QUICKIE. (VALUE $125) +
LIVE virtual monthly hangout with Dr. Stacii Jae - FOCUSED & ULTIMATE VIP Patrons ONLY will be able to hang out with Dr. Stacii Jae in a private virtual 2 hour intensive experience. If missed, patrons can view a playback of the LIVE monthly chats at a later date convenient for the patron. +
Access to a exclusive IWAGMU PRIVATE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY where you will engage not only with Dr. Stacii but your VIP inner circle sisters in the Patreon community as well as get to ask Dr. Stacii questions and get answers specific to your needs. +
Patreon Activity Feed - Have access to Stacii Jae much different than you will see on public social media platforms. Stacii Jae's daily love, relationship and dating discussions EXCLUSIVE ONLY to Patreon Patrons! The activity feed provides motivation and inspiration. You can learn a lot through, your coach Stacii Jae’s activity feed. Also, you can add to the feed, share your story, ask questions, get questions answered and become a part of the discussions. +
Access & Insight - Patron will have access to IWAGMU University FULL library 24 hour access to hours and hours of podcast, digital books, videos, online courses filled with dating, love and relationship tools from Stacii Jae. The goal is to have 100s of hours of content in the IWAGMU Library +
Exclusive Content - NEW Content Added TWICE MONTHLY. The content here on Patreon will NOT be available on any other platform you see me on including Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Periscope or any other streaming/video service. EXCLUSIVE TO PATRONS HERE! +
Access to Patreon LENS- You will get to see all of the posts I put to Lens (lens is like IG story...disappears in 24 hours) +
Business Highlight- Are you a business owner or are you doing something special that you want highlighted? Get your business or self promoted. Each month Dr. Stacii Jae will pick a female-owned business to highlight to a community of over 63k+ social media followers. The business highlight is for Patrons ONLY or non profits that Patrons support. +
Conversations & Cocktails - A quarterly monthly virtual brunch hosted by Dr. Stacii Jae featuring a special invited guest Keynote Speaker. Discounted fee for patrons ONLY. +
Once you join, you will get full access and all instructions as to how you access all members-only opportunities.
As A FOCUSED+ VIP PATRON your love dating and relationship expert and coach, you will get the following:
Up to 50% Discount - 1:1 60 minute coaching sessions with Dr. Stacii Jae - Your love coach, Dr. Stacii Jae will offer her FOCUSED+ VIP inner circe ladies, a maximum 50% off 1:1 60 minute coaching session price. +
1 - 1:1 / 30 Minute Quickie with Dr Stacii Jae - Your love coach, Stacii Jae will offer her FOCUSED+ VIP inner circle ladies, 1 monthly 15 minute quickies monthly (VALUE $125) +
LIVE virtual monthly hangout with Dr. Stacii Jae - FOCUSED & ULTIMATE+ VIP Patrons ONLY will be able to hang out with Dr. Stacii Jae in a private virtual 2 hour experience. If missed, patrons can view a playback of the LIVE monthly chats at a later date convenient for the patron. +
Access to a PRIVATE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY where you will engage not only with Stacii but your VIP inner circle sisters in the Patreon community as well as get to ask Dr. Stacii questions and get answers specific to your needs.+
Patreon Activity Feed - Have access to Stacii Jae much different than you will see on public social media platforms. Stacii Jae's daily love, relationship and dating discussions EXCLUSIVE ONLY to Patreon Patrons! The activity feed provides motivation and inspiration. You can learn a lot through, your coach Stacii Jae’s activity feed. Also, you can add to the feed, share your story, ask questions, get questions answered and become a part of the discussions. +
Access & Insight - Patron will have access to IWAGM University FULL library 24 hour access to hours and hours of podcast, digital books, videos, online courses filled with dating, love and relationship tools from Dr. Stacii Jae. The goal is to have 100s of hours of content in the IWAGMU Library +
Exclusive Content - NEW Content Added MONTHLY. The content here on Patreon will NOT be available on any other platform you see me on including Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Periscope or any other streaming/video service. EXCLUSIVE TO PATRONS HERE! +
Access to Patreon LENS- You will get to see all of the posts I put to Lens (lens is like IG story...disappears in 24 hours) +
Business Highlight- Are you a business owner or are you doing something special that you want highlighted? Get your business or self promoted. Each month Stacii Jae will pick a female-owned business to highlight to a community of over 63k+ social media followers. The business highlight is for Patrons ONLY or non profits that Patrons support. +
Conversations & Cocktails - A quarterly monthly virtual brunch hosted by Dr. Stacii Jae featuring a special invited guest Keynote Speaker. Discounted fee for patrons ONLY. +
Once you join, you will get full access and all instructions as to how you access all members-only opportunities.
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur.
Copyright © Stacii Jae Johnson. All Rights Reserved.